Wednesday, January 12, 2011

JDS members blow conch, beat cymbals in Karna Assembly

Opposition JDS members today blewa conch shell, beat hand-held bronze cymbals and carried a bigsuitcase containing ''documents'' on alleged corruption, asKarnataka assembly descended into noisy theatrics on thesecond day of the party''s standoff with the ruling BJP.
Buzhttp://Telanganamanadhira.blogspot.comThe proceedings were marked by high drama when JDS MLAstrooped into the House with alleged evidence on BJPGovernment''s alleged scams, a day after Chief Minister B SYeddyurappa threatened to "expose" JDS supremo H D Devegowdafamily''s "misdeeds" with documentary proof,.

Led by Gowda''s son H D Revanna, who was at the receivingend of a tongue-lashing by the Chief Minister yesterday, theJDS legislators came blowing a conch and beating a bronzedisc, lending a bizzare twist to their three-day protest.

On a confrontationist path with the BJP, JDS and Congressmembers have been disrupting the proceedings, staging a dharnasince Monday demanding discussion on alleged corruptionthrough an adjournment motion, earlier rejected by the Chair.

As the BJP Government went ahead with official businessfor the second day ignoring the opposition dharna, Congressand JDS announced boycott of the day''s proceedings protestingthe attitude of the treasury benches.

Earlier, the drama began to unfold as the marshalsblocked the JDS members marching into the house holdingplacards and blowing the conch.

Unaware of this, Speaker K G Bopaiah ordered the marshalsto allow the MLAs and also the ''suitcase'' after OppositionCongress leader Siddaramaiah raised the issue.

However, Bopaiah was taken aback as the MLAs brought abig sized suitcase and displayed placards against thegovernment, prompting him to order the marshals to remove thematerials.

Defending the protest, Revanna said the Chief Ministerhad yesterday brought a suitcase and showed to the House thathe had documents against Devegowda and his sons. "Today wehave brought documents on Yeddyurappa''s scandals."

When the House plunged into pandemonium, Bopaiah warnedJDS members he would name them.

Law Minister S Suresh Kumar rose to move a motion fortheir suspension but did not go ahead with it.

Amid slogan shouting and dharna, the government managedto get the approval of the House by voice vote for seven billsincluding The Karnataka Appropriation Bill, 2011 for Rs5,060.41 crore.

Leading the opposition walkout, Siddaramiah said "It isnothing but murder of democracy. The Speaker has also joinedhands with the Government".
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