Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thane: 8 killed as wall collapses on adjoining shanties

216x250wallcol.jpgEight persons were killed and four injured when a wall collapsed on hutments in a slum in neighbouring Thane district following heavy rains on Wednesday.

The boundary wall erected by a construction company came crashing down on the hutments at Dnyaneshwar Nagar at 0340 hours trapping over a dozen people, police said.

While eight were killed, four injured were admitted to Kaushila hospital in Thane, where the condition of one of them was stated to be serious, hospital sources said.

According to Thane Municipal Corporation (TMC) officials present on the spot, the wall caved in a stretch of 80 feet and the remaining part is being demolished to prevent further damage.

Residents alleged that the company had dumped large quantities of soil on their side of the wall recently, creating a mound. Heavy rains over the last three days triggered the collapse, they said.

No official from the construction company was present at the spot during rescue work, they added.

Officials of Dosti constructions were not immediately available for their comments.
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