India enemy no. 1, not Taliban; want adulterers stoned, thieves maimed; & death for leaving Islam

More than 80 percent in Pakistan support segregating men and women in the workplace
Even more disquieting: More than 80 percent in Pakistan support segregating men and women in the workplace; over 80 percent support stoning adulterers and whipping and cutting off the hands of thieves; and, roughly 75 percent endorse the death penalty for those who leave Islam.

About 53 percent of Pakistanis think that India is their enemy number one - not Taliban

About 75 percent endorse the death penalty for those who leave Islam
These are the findings of a survey conducted in Pakistan by the prestigious US-based Pew Research Centre recently as part of their Global Attitudes Project.

Encouragingly, 72 percent of Pakistani citizens want better relations with India
However, despite the deep-seated tensions between India and Pakistan, most Pakistanis want better ties with India. Roughly seven-in-ten (72 per cent ) said it is important for relations with India to improve and about three-quarters support increased trade with India and further talks between the two rivals, it said.

Over 80 percent support stoning adulterers and whipping and cutting off the hands of thieves
The Pakistanis saw little threat from Taliban and al-Qaeda and only 25 per cent of the people said it would be bad for Islamabad if Taliban takes over again Afghanistan. While 18 per cent said it would be good for Pakistan 57 per cent were not concerned.

A still from the movie, The Stoning of Soraya M. The movie is an adaptation of a true story of one of the victims of stonings in modern Iran. The movie attempts to expose the inhumanity of the Sharia Law
Crowley said the US has worked hard in recent months to try to turn this relationship around.
"I think we recognise that this was not going to occur overnight. We have tried to communicate forcefully to not only the government, but also to the people directly, that the US is committed to the future of Pakistan," he said.

About three-quarters support increased trade with India and further talks between the sub-continent rivals
The spokesman said the Secretary of State last week spent a lot of time engaged directly with the Pakistani people. "I think coming out of the trip last week, we felt a change in tone. But we understand that this is a long-term proposition which we take seriously and feel is vitally important to, over time, demonstrate to the people of Pakistan that the United States is genuinely interested in a different long-term relationship with the country," he said.

In spite of pumping in billions of dollars in economic and military aid, the US image in Pakistan was at its lowest ever among the 22 nations included in the poll
"We do think that over time, people will begin to understand and see that there's genuine and mutual respect and benefit for this relationship. And as people are able to see those benefits firsthand, then we would expect to see an improvement in not only the tone, but also the substance of our relationship. But we didn't expect this to change overnight," he said.

The Pakistanis saw little threat from Taliban and al-Qaeda and only 25 per cent of the people said it would be bad for Islamabad if Taliban takes over again Afghanistan
Despite the prevalence of negative opinions about the US, Pew Research Center said most Pakistanis want better relations between the two countries. Nearly two-in-three (64 per cent) say it is important for relations with the US to improve, up from 53 per cent last year.