Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hyderabad IT companies look to expand in Gujarat

, Political instability in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh has resulted in IT companies losing out on contracts and they are now seeking to expand elsewhere, says a Hyderabad based IT player who will be bringing a delegation to Gujarat later this month. State authorities as well as the local IT players are ready to welcome them, he said.

"We want a safe place for expanding our data centre business. Our promoters and investors have decided to expand outside Andhra, and Gujarat is our first choice," said Ashok Kedia,MD of Hyderabad-based Kedia Infotech .

Kedia is one of the 23 odd companies operating in Hyderabad but now looking elsewhere for expansion. The ongoing Telangana movement has resulted in cancellation of orders for small IT companies who do not have presence in IT park.

Although Gujarat is going strong in manufacturing and agricultural sector, it is still lagging behind in IT compared to the major destinations.

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