mran Khan, who recently tied the knot with his 8 year long girlfriend Avantika Malik in a quiet ceremony, will probably have to delay his reception. Aamir Khan was supposed to host a big fat reception for his nephew to celebrate his big day. So what is the cause for the delay? "Yes, I do want to host a big reception but I have not thought of any date yet. There is no time to have any such event now. It is too close to the release of Dhobi Ghat on January 21," Aamir told.
He added, "The countdown has begun for us. Both Kiran and I will be travelling for the film's promotions. She will also be touring with the cast. So any such plans are on hold for now."
Well, work always comes first for Mr. Perfectionist. However, the reception is not cancelled but postponed. Aamir plans to host the reception party post Dhobi Ghat' release.
"We are the only two members of the family who are not with the newly-weds for their marriage celebrations in Thailand. Even going for a day was not proving to be feasible as we have our outstation commitments for Dhobi Ghat promotions," Aamir told the tabloid.
For the time being, Imran, who turns 28 today, will be celebrating his birthday with his wife and rest of the family in Thailand. We wish him lots of luck and success.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
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