New Delhi: The police on Friday filed an FIR against an unknown person in the baby brutality case in Delhi. The two-year-old baby - bitten and severely beaten - is struggling for her life at the All India Institue of Medical Sciences (AIIMS).
She was abandoned at the AIIMS trauma centre in a battered state and with human bite marks on her body. Giving an update on the toddler's health condition
, Associate Professor at Neurosurgery Department, AIIMS Deepak Aggarwal said, "She is moving her limbs better than what she was being able to do yesterday. The biggest complication that we are facing is the infection that she has."
Doctors earlier said the toddler is suffering from brain hemorrhage - after her head was smashed. The baby has also suffered two cardiac arrests and is in coma now.
"She was brought to us in a bitten and battered state on January 18. Her head was badly smashed, she had broken arms, bite marks all over her body and her cheeks branded with hot iron. The teenaged girl who brought her to us claimed that the present state was a result of her falling off from the bed, which is unbelievable," Dr MC Misra, chief of Jai Prakash Narayan AIIMS Trauma Centre said.
Dr Sumit Sinha, AIIMS said, "She had sustained injuries all over the body and is still in a critical situation. The brain damage is serious. The injuries suggest that the baby was battered mercilessly, with her head smashed" .
The doctors say even though she is showing signs of recovery, her chances of survival are just 30-40 per cent. But they say even if she beats death this time, chances of her leading independent life remains marginal.
The child, whose parents are untraceable, was brought to AIIMS on January 18 by a 15-year-old girl who claimed to be her mother.
Police sources said the teenager claimed she had adopted this 2-year-old girl who claimed she hit the baby in a fit of rage. The teenager is currently in a juvenile home. The address the teenager gave has turned out to be a girl's hostel, where she lived earlier.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (South) Chhaya Sharma said they will put the photo of the child in ZIPNET, a network of police forces in five northern states, to know whether the victim was kidnapped. Also, it could help parents approach police.
She said the Child Welfare Committee and Juvenile Justice Board have instructed the hospital authorities to take proper care of the child.
While the police is trying to verify her statements, psychiatrists suggest that it could be a case of depression.
Psychiatrist Sameer Malhotra said, "This is disgusting. Some people have mental disorders in our society and all these things depend on the background of a person. We need to treat these type of people."
The police are investigating the case. While attempts to trace the past two years of this baby is on, her future continues to remain uncertain.