An unidentified youngster shocked Deepika Padukone by proposing to her during the promos of her latest film Lafangey Parindey. Deepika was in Delhi promoting this film, when a youth bent on his knees asking her to marry him. The lady, however, replied that she was not ready for marriage to which the youth shot back that he was ready to take her as his wife.
The actress took this proposal in her stride and walked away laughing at the sudden marriage proposal.
We all know that Deepika Padukone is currently dating Vijay Mallya's son,Siddharth Mallya. And Perhaps marriage is something Deepika Padukone is not contemplating.
Over to Lafangey Parindey- And Deepika Padukone Is playing a Blind Girl.Lafangey Parindy is directed by Pradeep Sarkar and produced by Aditya Chopra under Yash Raj Films Banner.Lafangey Parindy releases on August 20,2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
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