l regional hub of the NSG at Marol here.
“With this, we complete the inauguration of four NSG hubs promised shortly after the ghastly 26/11 attack. They have all moved into their permanent homes now,” Mr. Chidambaram said.
The regional hubs at Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai and Mumbai have been set up to reduce the response time and reach the area of operation as quickly as possible.
Mr. Chidambaram said that a mini-regional centre is set to come up in Hyderabad within a few years. The state-of-the-art training facility at Ibrahimpatnam will train commandos for southern and western States.
The Mumbai regional hub is spread across 20.28 acres and has been constructed at a cost of Rs. 56.10 crore by the National Building Construction Corporation Limited. It has accommodation for the families of the commandos as well.
Approximately 241 commandos will be housed there, Director General of the regional hub, Rajan Medhekar, told reporters.
“It is a regional hub and will serve the States in the western and central parts of the country. It is seven km from the airport and the NSG teams will take 20 minutes to reach the airport. I have asked the Director General to cut as many seconds as possible,” Mr. Chidambaram said.
He lauded the NSG as one of the best commando forces in the world. “It is our premier frontline fighting force against hijacking and terror,” he said. He urged the NSG to work closely with the commando forces of Russia, France and Israel to keep itself abreast of the latest counter-terror techniques.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan said the permanent regional hub was an important addition to the fortification of the country's defence against terror, insurgencies and separatist acts of violence.
Mr. Medhekar said an indoor firing range will be set up in the campus within six months. He requested the State government to help overcome issues faced by the hub.“High-tension electricity wires are running through the campus. They affect the smooth landing and take-off of the helicopters here. They also pose a threat. We have approached the authorities who have assured to take the wires underground,” he said. He sought a motorable bridge on the Mithi river near the hub to connect the Marol police training school with it. “There are certain quality and safety deficiencies which will soon be addressed with the help of IIT Roorkee.”