Thursday, January 27, 2011

Philips Healthcare to double sleep labs

 Sleep Care Facility in IndiaHYDERABAD: Philips Healthcare, part of Philips Electronics India Ltd, on Thursday said it would double the number of sleep laboratories in India. Currently, the company has 120 labs and has already committed $1 million investment.A Philips-Nielsen study found that 93 per cent of Indians are sleep-deprived. There are 84 types of listed sleep disorders and  these sleep labs help physicians evaluate sleep disorders and diagnose the same. Typically, each unit will entail investment of abotu `8 lakh to `12 lakh.“We have a market share of about 39 per cent. We will double the number of units across the country by end of this year. This would include laboratories in corporate hospitals such as Fortis and Apollo,” said Satyakam Sharma, Business Manager, Home Healthcare Solutions, Philips Healthcare.According to a BCC research report, the total value of the global market for sleep aids was estimated at $25 billion in 2009 and is poised to touch $33 billion in 2014. The Philips sleep survey also found that about 11 per cent Indians took leave from work because of their lack of sleep, while 58 per cent felt that their work suffered due to lack of adequate sleep with 11 per cent actually falling asleep at work.Meanwhile, Philips has partnered with SleepCare Solutions which has its facility in Hyderabad. The company is setting up 25 new centres in the next two years in India, Middle East and South East Asia with an investment of `20 crore. SleepCare is planning to set up a KPO to offer its services in the screening of data obtained in the sleep labs.
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