Monday, January 17, 2011

Snow, winds leave Shimla shivering at minus 3.3 degrees

ManaliA day after the first significant snowfall of the year, the city woke up to temperature below freezing point, frozen water pipes, slippery roads and stranded vehicles. The minimum temperature in Shimla at 5.30 am on Sunday was minus 3.3 degrees Celsius. Even with bright sunshine in the later part of the day and accompanying icy cold winds, the maximum temperature remained at 6 degrees Celsius.
Other parts of the state also continued to reel under the intense cold wave and many towns in lower areas also recorded temperatures below zero degrees. Sundernagar recorded minus 1 degree, Kalpa in Kinnaur minus 9 degrees, Dharamsala minus 0.2 degree, Solan 0.5 degree, Keylong minus 12.7, Nahan 2.4 and Palampur 2 degrees Celsius. Dharamsala in Kangra district also received snowfall after a gap of 15 years.
Roads that were blocked due to heavy snowfall in many parts of the state on Saturday, remained closed for traffic on Sunday too. Road connectivity to upper reaches of Shimla and Kinnaur districts was also disrupted.
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