Snoring occurs when the air passage in the throat is narrowed or blocked and the soft tissues like soft palate, airway walls and uvula vibrate.
Snoring is known to cause sleep deprivation to snorers and the people around them. The condition affects snorers as well as their room partners. Snoring basically has a disturbing influence on the snorers’ mental and sexual health. It may also affect their personal relationship.
In young children, snoring may trigger behavioral and cognitive problems.
Snoring not dangerous in most cases
But, don't let snoring ruin your relationship or a good night's sleep.
Snoring is not dangerous in most cases, and can be treated and controlled most of the time. However, in some people it may be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, or OSAS, a condition in which a person stops breathing for ten or more seconds.
The OSAS, in which the walls of the throat collapse inwards during sleep, is common among middle-aged people and who are overweight and smoke. People suffering from OSAS often wake up a number of times in the night, blue in the face, and fighting for breath.
Stop snoring treatments
Treatment for snoring caused by sleep apnea may include Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), dental appliances, and surgery, as reported by dnetistryiq.com.
CPAP is a machine which is used to keep a snorer’s airway open during sleep. With CPAP the snorers wear a mask over their nose and mouth, or just their nose. The mask is held in place by soft elastic straps, and is hooked up to the CPAP machine. When the snorer breathes the machine blows a gentle stream of air into the mask which helps to keep the person’s airway open so he/she can breathe more regularly. The machine also gives extra oxygen, if it is required.
Another treatment to stop snoring is dental appliances, in which snorers are given a dental appliance to wear in their mouth during sleep. Working like a mouthguard or a mouth retainer, the appliance helps to keep a snorers’ airway open while they sleep.
Different kinds of surgeries and procedures, including nose or throat surgery, are also used to treat snoring that is caused by certain physical problems. Which procedure is to be performed depends on how bad a person’s snoring is.
Some other measures to treat snoring
Heavy snorers can also try some self-help measures, like losing weight, stopping smoking, and avoiding too much alcohol, to fight the condition, according to Medindia.com.
Avoiding too many pillows while sleeping, and different sleeping positions, such as lying on your side, may prevent snorers from snoring.
What is snoring?
Snoring is rough, vibratory sounds made while breathing during sleep. It is known to cause sleep deprivation to both the snorers and those who hear them, as well as knock-on effects: daytime drowsiness, irritability, lack of focus, decreased libido.
Snoring occurs when the soft palate, uvula, tongue, tonsils, and/or muscles in the back of the throat rub against each other and generate a vibrating sound during sleep.